Generation NA - Lafayette, IN | Independent Retailer Spotlight

Welcome to a new series we'll be running where we feature different independent shops from around the country that carry Psychedelic Water, and give the people that work their a chance to tell us a bit more about their business and what they love about Psychedelic Water.

For our first instalment of this new series, we connected with Robert Theodorow of Generation NA in Lafayette, Indiana.

Take it away, Robert!

Generation NA was the first alcohol-free bottle shop to open in Indiana. We offer over 300 NA beers (including draft), wines, and spirits at our taproom in downtown Lafayette, Indiana. 

I first thought of the idea when completing a Dry January back in 2021. I went back to drinking that February, which quickly made me realize the physical and mental benefits of eliminating alcohol from my diet. I figured there would have to be others like me, and wow there definitely were.

When people hear "NA Bottle Shop", they often think about products from years past, which aren't anything like what is being offered today. The space has many new exciting products that rival the taste, relaxation, and social expectations of any leaded drink.

One of our best selling categories in the shop are our functional drinks, and kava is leading the way. Psychedelic Water has been a top choice for our customers with solid flavor profiles and a kava boost to help relax and unwind...without a hangover. And who doesn't want that?  

We're stoked to have Psychedelic Water products on our shelves as they are a solid recommendation and frequent repurchase for our customers. Cheers! 

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